asking an enthusiastic reader, which book he would take to a desert island, is meaningless. Only ONE book? Forget it! I for one could not decide. People of faith engage
probably to the Torah, Bible or the Koran, but I do not know what book I would take.
A different case would be with a box of books ...
It's not a whole container, but it fits inside a lot already.
And I also think the word stupid, this is a stick and I make a start.
The order of the way, is arbitrary.
- Watership Down Richard Adams v. (I have just read it again and it got me again just how tied up at the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc time)
- Gone with the Wind Margaret v. Mitchell (I want to and what's heart! great melodrama)
- Rheingold v. Stephan Grundy (the Völsungs and the Nibelungen in novel form with a completely wacky Siegfried)
- The Stand , Rose Madder and Insomnia v. Stephen King (no dull horror, but wonderful characters with whom we became friends and that you always again like to return.)
- The Talisman v. Stephen & Peter Straub child (a parallel world, "freak" in the Wandering Jack can, in which he finds new friends and old enemies and he can save by his mother saved a great story)
- twilight , Black Moon and branded by Dean R. Koontz (Koontz is usually quite striking in its characters.. there's always a basic good hero, usually also a Marine training has similar, a very beautiful woman who is aware of the unaware and is also grundgut and like to play with really great, smart dogs. Rarely also lacks a disabled or malformed man who is full of goodness and wisdom only pretending. The evil, however, are so angry that you most like myself want to resort to the Kalashnikov. But despite these stereotypes, he succeeds again and again to capture me and the characters to like.)
- Faust, the first tragedy Part v. J.-W. Priest (I like it stop!)
- Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn and v. Mark Twain (from the Mississippi River)
- Dracula Bram Stoker v. (one of the most romantic books, I know)
- Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass v. Lewis Caroll (. Not only for children The man was eventually mathematics teacher and has for all his imagination and some small math and language puzzles in the books hidden - I also love the Cheshire Cat)
- The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers Alexandre Dumas v. (Great Adventure. Unequalled!)
- Tit for tat v. Rita Mae Brown (in my opinion her best book. It is set during the 20s and 30s in the southern states . lower and upper class, prostitutes and priests, comedy and drama and a lot of heart) My
- Shakespeare collection, including the Sonnets (Wat mutt, dat mutt)
- A complete encyclopedia (I like to read in works of rum)
- Buddenbrooks v. Thomas Mann (fascinating portrait of manners, captivating story lines, wonderful formulations)
- A big book of fairy tales
- A thick book of legends
- poems v. Ringelnatz
- Mists of Avalon and The fires of Troy v. Marion Zimmer Bradley (old stories in novel form and, as women see imaginative and exciting.)
- All Harry Potter (I'm mainstream anyway, hehe)
- Fool on the Hill v. Matt Ruff (oblique, loving, hilarious)
And now I ask for your boxes of books. In any case, I would like the chests of those who have taken this blog to their blogroll: crime Thomas, Louffi , reading pleasure and frustration Goo gle-.
But of course must also my heart (although we have since spoken in detail about it the other day and I therefore, on the idea with the stick came) and Bea their favorites . Unpack
I'm curious: o).
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