Sunday, October 28, 2007

Pink Sauce For Hibatchi Shrimp

Austria - Gesäuse - Hochtorgruppe

Speleo Alpine VI, Cat - Group 1712 (Gesäuse, Styria.)
At this year by Snow falls seriously impeded research in Hochtorgruppe of
15 - 22.9. In 2007, about 860 m of track (better shaft lines) in 5 already known and 18 new caves: Date (correct shafts).

The plate bag Canyon reached which is still the largest object 325 m depth at 1220 m length course, he has now two to more than 300 m deep-reaching branches. At the lowest point a water-leading, large-scale slot canyon has continued to attract the depth - but behind a 200 m long Engstellenmartyrium and the subsequent and inevitable waterfall "Milka shower".
The Roßkarschacht reached approximately 400 m length at 85 m height difference , the Schneekarschacht XI 130 m long and 50 m depth .
Notable discoveries are the Seekarschächte XV (L 115, H -30) and XVI (L117, h -104), and the Rokarschacht XV (L 125, H -72). nice idea is that in none of these objects to an end has been reached. Some of them were only evasive targets from snow covered caves. The object was the highest-lying Kirchengratschacht I in 2270 m above sea level near the summit of Gr. Ödsteins - pretty 4 hours and about 1400 Hm nearest exit point. In the plan pointed north face of a large sandsteinverfülltes profile of a large paleo-room cave was discovered, and some could be photographed for the caves Gesäuse new species.
Participant: Reinhard and Walter Fischer, Robert Froehlich, Andreas Glitzner, Gerlinde and Eckart Herrmann, Erich Hofmann, Peter Kalsner, Walter Kogler, Simone Pysarczuk, Heli Roithner, Karl Stoger, Peter Straka

images / E. Herrmann , R. Fröhlich:


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