Sunday, October 28, 2007

Pink Sauce For Hibatchi Shrimp

Austria - Gesäuse - Hochtorgruppe

Speleo Alpine VI, Cat - Group 1712 (Gesäuse, Styria.)
At this year by Snow falls seriously impeded research in Hochtorgruppe of
15 - 22.9. In 2007, about 860 m of track (better shaft lines) in 5 already known and 18 new caves: Date (correct shafts).

The plate bag Canyon reached which is still the largest object 325 m depth at 1220 m length course, he has now two to more than 300 m deep-reaching branches. At the lowest point a water-leading, large-scale slot canyon has continued to attract the depth - but behind a 200 m long Engstellenmartyrium and the subsequent and inevitable waterfall "Milka shower".
The Roßkarschacht reached approximately 400 m length at 85 m height difference , the Schneekarschacht XI 130 m long and 50 m depth .
Notable discoveries are the Seekarschächte XV (L 115, H -30) and XVI (L117, h -104), and the Rokarschacht XV (L 125, H -72). nice idea is that in none of these objects to an end has been reached. Some of them were only evasive targets from snow covered caves. The object was the highest-lying Kirchengratschacht I in 2270 m above sea level near the summit of Gr. Ödsteins - pretty 4 hours and about 1400 Hm nearest exit point. In the plan pointed north face of a large sandsteinverfülltes profile of a large paleo-room cave was discovered, and some could be photographed for the caves Gesäuse new species.
Participant: Reinhard and Walter Fischer, Robert Froehlich, Andreas Glitzner, Gerlinde and Eckart Herrmann, Erich Hofmann, Peter Kalsner, Walter Kogler, Simone Pysarczuk, Heli Roithner, Karl Stoger, Peter Straka

images / E. Herrmann , R. Fröhlich:

Do You Like My Moms Feet

Switzerland - Rhätikon - Sulzfluh

research on the Sulzfluh in August 2007 - Discovery of the ice rink height 2113/100:
In the period from 16.08. until 19.08.2007 was after a few years, a research camp on the Tilisunahütte held. the 9 participants were members of both the members of Karst and Cave Ethnography Committee of the Vorarlberg State Museum Society and the eastern Swiss Society of Speleology and the National Association for caving in Vienna and Lower Austria .

goal was above all an extended survey of the terrain in the area of white plate and the Sulzfluh, where for a systematic exploration high-resolution orthophotos were available. In order to even leave no gaps on the surface open, search quadrants were marked out with the help of hard men and GPS location correctly calibrated. This system has already some years ago by the Swiss successfully applied in the area and has now been discontinued.
Overall, during the four research days 25 new objects are found , with four caves were accurately measured, including a center cavity. Some already known objects have exact coordinates are collected. With the discovery of the so-called ice rink cave , the research camp to be considered thoroughly very successful, as these are to date to the first cave in the central Sulzfluhplateau that have more pit stops in a larger and therefore only in its infancy leads unexplored horizontal system. The current gear length of the cave is 162 meters and a depth extent of 59 m .
Several sequels, which are ventilated in part also are available.
Users: Uli Sagmeister, Emil Buechel, Rebecca Tsukalas, Paul Schmieding, Christoph Schurr, guitarist Alex, Andreas Neumann, Yvo Weidmann, Silvia turbidity

Further research in the cave ice rink:
In two trips to the only ice rink in August this year discovered the cave had been explored parts are measured, and also another new ground was found. The large horizontal duct, which takes at the end of the shaft about 70 m depth range in his approach has a number of still unprocessed side routes. The main continuation is a great bewetterter vent, identified by the ceiling in about 10 m height, two transitional approaches. The current path length of the cave is 255 m, the depth of 76 m. Further research in this very interesting cave are planned. participants: Herbert Flatz, Hans Stoxinger, Paul Schmiedinger, Rebecca Tsukalas, guitarist Alex • SID = 203 & Ing = 1

Replacing The Front Element

Austria - Kräuterin

Beautiful new ground in the Ice Cave Bärwies 1812/11: After
In June this year as part of a club trip to explore a continuation in 150 m depth and some measure was was from 6 to 7/8/2007 in the area of so-called "staircase" for further research. follow after a short descent back greater horizontal shaft parts. Notable in the new sections is the strong sintering, which is mainly re-conceived through corrosion in the degradation. were added in all, 324 m new territory.
The course length of the ice cave is now Bärwies-6824 m.
Participants: M. Behm, M. Hammer, P. Kalsner, L. plan

images / Lukas Plan:

Watch Free Bangbro Full

Austria - High Schwab - Polsterkar

research camp on the mountain pasture (high Schwab, Styria., cadastral Group 1744) from 25 to 29.8. 2007:
is on the alpine pasture 1600 m above sea level in NW of the high-Schwab, is one of the most remote areas of the karst plateau. As part of karst mapping was noted here in recent years, numerous bays of L. plan. The aim of this year's expedition was starting to work from a tent camp on the mountain pasture of this field systematically. were recorded 13 new caves, with the Pol-monster sinkhole, which started at 2050 meters, stands out . The entry funnel is 100 mx 70 m in diameter and broke vertically on one side of 60 m from . At the bottom of a snow cone could be overcome, which attaches behind it a strong and widespread bewetterter Canyon. This was traced down to 150 m depth and continues. On 4 Day of the expedition, there was a serious accident. One participant fell into a 13 m deep and pulled Tagschacht serious head injuries. She was flown by helicopter to the intensive care unit of LKH Bruck an der Mur. Fortunately, she recovered quickly and is on track to recovery.
Participants: Y. Baron, Joska, M. Behm, M. Hammer, A. guitarist, L. Plan, D. Sulzbacher, E. Zakharova
images / guitarist A.:

Typhoid Feviaer Bradycard

Austria - Dead Mountain - 'in the Karen'

research in burgundy bay (1625/20) - bay area glycol - Tauplitz bay area
A 4-day tour from the bivouac 29.9-2.10.2007 in the cave part glycol Schacht brought unfortunately only 86 m path length increase. The hoped-for connection to Canyon shaft failed due to several bottlenecks. Base was the Grisu bivouac in 330 m depth. Several sequels are still present, however, getting ahead is more difficult than expected. The tour was also used to improve the internal fittings and remove various legacies from the cave.

The course length of the shaft is burgundy after this tour 20 247 m.
Participants: M. Behm, M. Hammer

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Clf 2electron Pair Geometry


Yes, I like comics! After all, they have only brought me so at all to read (Asterix), but also other comics were and are loved by me hot.

Fortunately my parents have never denied. Probably because I have enough "real" things have read. Since disrupted the colorful Blasenbildchen further.

I could now upset Sun My brother and I had a massive scale "ZACK" books and then sold off for pennies on the NEN flea market. Since
pay today ambitious collectors a fortune on stupid.

course, the YPS-issue was very important. Not only because of the above hot gimmick, but because of the comics.

And one thing has not left me to this day. I'VE GOT IT ALL!

Walt Disney's funny paperbacks.

maintenance, but not all. Earlier, when the sides were alternately black and white and colored, there never were Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck in a book. I'm from the early years only to Donald, because I think Micky stupid. To me is too smart to succeed in everything always.

I can still only advise all parents to provide their children with Donald Duck and Co.. It is
not believe it, but these comics take quite incredible for the extension of the vocabulary.
has just Dagobert formulations and words on it, where I could go to their knees.

Some examples:

Scrooge: "He takes me." "Oh shame, Oh pain, oh calamity !!!", "I know my money as my health guard."

Tick, Trick & Track: ". If this keeps up, I forget my already questionable education," "We need local all depend, "" The money we enjoy our own feast "

Donald:".... is now the miraculous transformation take its course "," Wonderful, what a warm Wonnentag "

So I find that nice: o )

Monday, October 22, 2007

Milena Velba In The Bathtub

school reading

a tiresome subject.

Unfortunately, there are many teachers who make it easy to take the children the joy of reading. Because the wolf is interpreted, questioned every sentence, every Formulation of a stylistic analysis durchgehechelt suspended and even the grammar.

The pure enjoyment of the story and the words is as often on the track.

I remember how we were to propose it by myself the next-to-read book, and my recommendation was in fact "Felix Krull" taken.
The stupid cow managed to destroy this book and my classmates hated me.

There were other teachers. What that really like to read yourself. The left us the freedom to interpret itself, which we contracted the disease with her enthusiasm.

Here: Thanks Hannah B. and thank Ingrid H.! But come

We now proceed to read. There were many books looking to promote not only our knowledge of German, but also a message and give historical background should also be happy. At some of these books, I really do not like to remember.

"That was the Hirbel" Peter Härtling of a disabled child. I found the kid and the book really bad.

"Back then it was Friedrich" , same category as "When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit."
child-friendly books about the Nazi era. Both very disturbing.

"The ship Esperanza . Refugees from a Latin American country nerve exposed to sand and then comes the flood. Creepy. And I found it totally corrosive that has been discussed only on the track two double hours because yes Esperanza = Hope and the importance of madness and blablabla.


"Homo Faber" by Frisch. Oh, I love this book today. Wonderfully written and ne really weird story

"The visit of the Old Lady" by Dürrenmatt. Just endgeil. Just as "The Physicists."

"German Lesson," Lenz. I was stupid.

way ... and I hate to date Hölderlin poems. Thanks to my former teacher.

course we were not even to Kabale und Liebe "and" The Robbers "by Schiller. Very moralinsauer. Not my thing.

but" The Sorrows of Young Werther "by Goethe. In Goethe I stand still and my" Faust "I've also read. I also got the recording from the Deutsches Schauspielhaus Gründgens on DVD Absolutely wonderful Let's be honest.. Goethe was ne olle Drecksau The plot of Faust to the point: an old goat enters into a pact with the devil, because he wants poppen ne young snail's. I call timeless;... read o)

Grass I can not suffer We had, of course, "The Tin Drum" and "Cat and Mouse" Bärks that is so disgusting shit eating seagulls ... uääääh stoning.. me, but I think Grass for one of the most overrated writer in Germany. Here is yet celebrated each and priced writes critical books about the Nazi regime.

I'm just a little into a spin and I'm not sure what school was reading and what I've read voluntarily.
"Biedermeier and the arsonist," "The Clown" - I just do not know.

"Blue Angel (Der blaue Engel) was private, because I'm pretty sure, but" the subject "? School reading? "The Metamorphosis" by Kafka - no idea.

"The Picture of Dorian Gray"? Private or not?

crap, I know It really no longer. Somehow, I read all during school hours.

I think I have to go again in me.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Rapid Wall , Rustique

The Early Years The Early Years II

So completely did it chronologically, I do not remember, but I distinctly remember that I started quite early, to inspire me for so-called "classics in literature.

I am not going to link the way, always. If you are interested in these books - Amazon knows: o).

Moby Dick, Ivanhoe, Treasure Island, The Ghost Ship (wat I'm creeped!), Robinson Crusoe and of course my beloved Mark Twain to Tom and Huck.

My parents really offers a rich Books fundus to hold the greedy young happy.

But soon came a new addiction in my reading life: The 3 ???!!!!

I do not know how many books I have from. Books, no tapes! There are lots and they sleep safe and dry in the basement of my parents, carefully packed in boxes. Oh, what I loved.

course I had to "Christiane F. - We Children from Bahnhof Zoo" read (my mother bought me). A book that touched me deeply, has shocked and upset and even if it sounds polemical, this book is one of the reasons that I had time of my life and never afraid of hard drugs got tempted to try something. Michael

end with "The Neverending Story" and "Momo".

And then I discovered Agatha Christie. My parents had ALL her crime novels in paperback on the shelf. When I was through it, I went to the almost complete collection of Edgar Wallace ran. From
there was no mystery to me anyway safe.

It continued with Roald Dahl, where I discovered my penchant for slanted stories.
followed Kishon - all I got from him in the finger.

And never will I forget this one particular Sunday morning. I was about 16 years old. For some reason I woke up very early and could not go back. I went to Living room and the telly was on bored.

landed And (fortunately at the beginning) from "A Midsummer Night's Dream." In this wonderful, old black and white film with Mickey Rooney as Puck.
I was completely captivated. The history and the words captivated me.

What could be more than look to look under "S" (nuts was well sorted) and lo and behold, almost all of Shakespeare's works in paperback in the translation of Shakespeare, Hamlet, where the books were designed so that the left always the English version and the right was the German translation.
Of course I read the first summer night's dream, but then was followed by a comedy on the other. "As You Like It" undsoweiterundsofort "Much Ado About Nothing," "The Taming of the Shrew," "The Merry Wives of Windsor", "Twelfth Night".
of the tragedy I could not believe me until later, but the Shakespeare virus had caught me, and to this day I am not cured.
The man was funny! The stories are funny! It is precisely the tragedy. What he has created striking villains. Since there was only black and white.
Shakespeare is highbrow? Nonsense! These were plays for everyone. Both for the king, and for the common people. Entertaining, sometimes nasty splatter, romantic, intriguing. Everything your heart desires. He watched the people on the mouth, revealed to all human weaknesses and failings. FUNNY!

" revolves around the boiler and turn around;
Cast the poison in his throat.

Toad, that under cold stone
days and nights, three times nine,

mucus in your sleep fermented
first set in the boiler burn

Sumpf'ger snake's tail and head
Brat, and cook in the magic pot:

Molchesaug and Unkenzehe,
dog's mouth and head of the crow,

Tough juice of henbane,
lizard leg and down the owl: spice

powerful magic, the broth,
a hell glow in the boiler.

Tigereingeweid in,
And the porridge will be ready "


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Time Limit Of Using Ervamatin

was with Asterix, of course not enough. From there it all kicked off.
animal books. I remember very many animal books. dogs and cats. horses were never really my thing. enterprising stories about homeless critters and orphans who then found a family together.
And then came
Pucki in my life. Puck, the forester's child . Extremely cheesy and terribly old fashioned. And it was incredibly taught many values (Evie would be thrilled).
I loved those books. Of which there are dozens, from Puckis childhood, school days to the wedding with her childhood friend and of course Pucki, our mother (the title alone ....).
Even my mother has read Puckis adventure and I still remember my excitement when we in her parents' house in Dachjuchee (so called it that, hehe), so in my mother's room, almost all the volumes of Puck found.

Puck was not alone. Also Bummi accompanied me through my early reading years. Another little girl who was older from book to book and had many exciting adventures.

then followed Hanni & Nanni and of course Dolly and for a time I wanted to boarding school.

course I also had plenty of tales and legends books and even today I am a professional when it comes to issues in these areas.

I also had a great collection of Astrid Lindgren. Pipi Longstocking, I was always stupid, but at "Mio, my Mio" and "The Brothers Lionheart" went to my heart.

Again I sometimes wonder how I could read it all. Where I took the time? Outside, I was a child! Constantly I ran with my friends and the neighborhood kids around. I let out a tree falling and no mud hole.

Yet some evidence boxes of books in the basement of my parents from my early reading developed addiction. And I know them all!

These books were good friends for me, accompanying me through my childhood and it should always be more to come.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Hack Mobile Broadband 3 Mobile

As I read taught me the Asterix

Oh how long I was out.

The male members (read: father and brother) of the Jago family came regularly into a frenzy when It was that time again: the new Asterix came out.

My dad read it first, but it had to hurry terrible, because my brother rumnervte and tailgating. And then they both laughed and enjoyed themselves very terrible about it for weeks and I was unhappy next to me looked at the pictures and thought to myself my own stories from them.

I wanted them to read to me, but was mostly dismissed it, I would not understand the humor in it anyway. It was so frustrating

! Yes, I have already read some words but that was not enough. I longed incredible after school. I wanted to learn to read at last! In order to finally read Asterix can! I wanted to share. Who laughed easily without me.

It was the best motivation I could have. After half a year I was able to read any foreign text.

Asterix was mine!!

And from there we kloppten three of us for the privilege of reading the new Asterix the first to be allowed.

And of course I did not understand all the jokes, innuendo and comic word games, but regardless, I was blessed.

Does A Dark Blue Shirt Go With Black Trousers?

Why this title for the blog?

Because for me it is the criterion for a good book.

I whistle to criticisms or the like. I have to be with Tom on the Mississippi.

Mark Twain has made it easy at first to me: I was there! I saw
not only in my mind, no, I was in the cave and was terrified of Indiana Joe, I removed the fence, I was sitting with Aunt Polly and I was on the raft on the Mississippi.

Presumably because everyone has their own favorite authors, so it can capture.

King and Koontz Saul can not. Crichton may not Grisham. Agatha Christie is it, Edgar Wallace not. Follet Schätzing can not. Preston & Child Ilies can not.
not say, that the other authors are not good, but they show me more of a film in which I did not play. This is not quite the same pleasure to read.

What Kind Of Lauren London Hair Weave

Why another blog?

Finally, I've been two.

Somehow I found that this topic deserves its own blog.

books, wonderful books. I'm really addicted. I read not only books but also comic books, newspapers, magazines and even the text on the shampoo bottle when I stand in the shower.
Show me strung together some letters and I read them. It is a compulsion, I can not help it.

primary I read fiction. Mystery, Thriller, horror, historical novels, sometimes called wife books, fantasy stories - Bath reading fiction.

But I also know my classics. I love Shakespeare and cross I always wanted another one. I find his pieces for rolling on the floor. Sex & Crime with wonderful villains, droll entanglements, anti-heroes, strange twists.
You have to just admit it. Hey, the man wanted to talk!

I know of Goethe and Schiller, Brecht and Grass, branch and Dürrenmatt, Eco and Mailer, Fritsch and Kafka, Wilde, Tolstoy undsoweiterundsofort.
I have read many books, the "must read" if you want to be reasonably versed in literature. I go with these requirements on the bag.
Just like the way grass or Brecht or disgust mailer. Not my thing. Reading should be fun!

As by Thomas Mann Hach ....
"Buddenbrooks" I've read more than once. Just as "Felix Krull". I like the Endlosätze of man and his absolute devotion and meticulousness in describing people and situations. Heinrich is not bad either. In the "subject", I shudder.

would read without missing anything essential to me in my life. Nothing is as relaxing and distracting me like a beautiful book. Vacation to me means that I can pack up at least 6 books and read in peace.

is of advantage that I now can read and incredibly fast. Non-word or phrase way, but I am going with the eyes a few times over a paragraph and have it in there. No, this is no read across. I then noticed each formulation.
one hand, an advantage the other hand, not a disadvantage. All too soon I often leave cherished friends because I have the book so quickly.

I was lucky that I was able to access at home with my parents on a huge selection of books. My mother also reads like a loony, and then an uncle of mine has also worked for a publishing company and we regularly dragged huge boxes with Remmitenten. Oh, was the always exciting.

was in there at the Hamburger Morgenpost on Sunday that one-fifth of Germans had read a book this year.

Something like I'm kind of sorry, because the do not know what they are missing.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Play Basketball With Hemorrhoids

Austria - Dead Mountain - 'in Karen'

deep under the Gr. Tragl - Ozone hole 1625/406
From 04 to 06 October 2007, once again, a research tour in the ozone hole may be carried out.
The 51-hour tour took Jeutter Peter and Robert Seebacher, the bivouac was used in 460 m depth as a base for research.
The first day was descended to the bivouac and on a directly behind the onset of horizontal response explored. The relative proximity to the corridors of the sun shaft head makes this cave particularly interesting part. In some cases, only about 70 m missing a few meters vertically and horizontally between the two caves. The attempt to dig a clogged with thick clay continued failed. Similarly, the rise in a Seitenkolk provided no useful result. In the third installment but it was further push forward. This was also, unfortunately, soon reached an insurmountable climb, with no drill. Strong weather management make this approach but to hope for a possible connection. On the second it went
Research Day in the deepest parts of the cave so far. The past is already in the Tour discovered Bach poured this time even more (~ 20-30 l / s) and so we gave up a descent into the end manhole at -591 m. Instead, we
went out at the big -570 m in the NW migratory path to explore further.
To our horror, ended the beautiful tunnel after about 50 m in a Lehmverschluss or two siphons, from which the stream emerges. We succeeded, but fortunately an over 8 m high chimney in an upper floor to penetrate. Here dominate beautiful phreatic profiles and initially dry clay soil. Soon, however, changes the character of the corridor. It's always about 20 degrees of tilt up, is being formed in the sole passage a canyon. Everything is with slippery mud covered and there are hardly any useful handles or kicks. So we fought our way to a straight line, about 80 m long passage up, we gave the name " impassable path" . Measurement trains with up to 26 m in length but are compensated for the effort. At a bend in the direction SW seemed the course to be enjoyable again. Sorry, but followed after a few meters, a clay pit beam and a 4-foot ascent. Here, then went to our last piece of rope to the end and the same subsequent 5 m descent had to overcome and climb and safety loops. Another climb, could be circumvented through a bottom hole, so we came back into a higher gear. Re cord pulls straight from here a beautiful passage on the summit of the Gr. Tragl inside. On the ground thundered in a deep canyon in the "Traglbach. The corridor finally opens into a transverse gap, the water from the direction of NO from a narrow gap emerges. In SW direction to the gap is large and continues until one was unable to over 10 m high climbing, shall be implemented. Due to the lateness of the hour and was due to lack of material for us here this time final. The section "impassable path - Traglbach" overcomes a horizontal extent of more than ¼ miles and an altitude difference of + 100 m The end point is reached already far below the size. Tragl (2179 m), only about 200 m SE of the summit. Thus it is the first time we succeeded in this area under the peaks of the chain-Löckenkogel Tragl-train to arrive. Open sequels and clear weather can lead to further discoveries in this area hope. A total of 440 m measured
new ground, resulting in the ozone hole for a new total length of 2,345 meters. The depth of -591 m remained unchanged for the time being (Robert Seebacher, 10.2007).
Images / Robert Seebacher:
first Manhole
second Swiss-cheese-land
third under the Tragl
4th again at the start