Monday, March 7, 2011

Ovarian Pain On The Mirena Coil

What now?

When the Portuguese, English, and Hollander took to the Moluccas, which for many was probably a journey of no return. Possibly for years in a foreign country, you died in Indonesia usually igendwann from malaria or other fever.

Today is that here is still a pretty remote area. From an existing tourism at all can probably barely speak. I would be happy to Ambon drove, but even on Halmahera someone told me that the next ship comes in maybe 10 or 14 days. It basically leaves only one ship and one would have opted for "Intimate Teratai" take, as the drove on to the island Sanana. From there, you'd have to Buru and from there to Ambon. An exotic way could take a few days, for according to guide books to get in Sanana only every 3 - 5 days with a ferryboat on. But is does not matter, because the "intimate Terartai" is coming back even in the first 8 days.

I would have maybe done with a plane, but it is expensive (about 100 EUR), and it is mostly just more than 10 kg luggage allowed because there are only small aircraft - which will / can not I . make

And what about with Sulawesi, which is the Rueckkkehr out. Yesterday I explained to a harbor policeman. The only interesting junta would ship in 10 days was given in his list. This would be yet, but is beyond my deadline.

Now yes, I have decided that this brings everything and nothing was now at the airport. The switches were indeed closed, but the staff was - against commission - very helpful. A guy took me back to the city, and we bought there at an airline a ticket back to Manado. Ca. 35 EUR, that's fine. But still it did not work. For the flight, I have provided the next Friday.

I was then at the Portuguese fort Tolukko, beautifully restored and with wonderful views over Kota Ternate. The weather here is hot, almost no rain, mostly sunny / cloudy, but the flames Aequatorsonne.

before yesterday I was at the Danau Laguna, another lake on Ternate. He is beautiful, overlooking the volcano in the background. There are some Fischerhuetten it by the lake. Slack as I was, I'm still had time at Fort Kalamata and shaded sitting on a wall.

Yesterday I was again on Tidore, attended the high mountain village Lada-Ake. Funnily enough I came back for nothing. I got into a boat that transported mopeds. The guy I met there, paid the boat ride and then took me on his moped "almost" to the village. But he chose a path that was so steep that the scooter could not carry us. Randomly stopped by a truck on which I then also managed the last few miles - the scooter went behind.

much to see there was in the village, however. We parted, because I wanted to walk down on foot. I came to the forest, past small maize, banana and Cassavafeldern. There were also many coconut trees there and the harvested coconuts were in large heaps on the roadside. They are in small huts made into copra, and that is pitched on wooden slats Kokosstuecke dried. Below, set into the earth on fire, a fire and the drying process is pretty smoky.

Later, back in Kota Ternate, I discovered the "luxury Excelso Cafe" in the Jati-Mall. EUR cost over 2 a cup of coffee there, and there were some special varieties which costs a cup up to 6 EUR. One can see that it seems people here there that deserve very well.

Here at the Internet Cafe, another are again, even 31 degrees (despite the aircon). I will flee now.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Gerber Engraved Spoons

Danau Galela and Luari Beach

So, in this entry I'm trying now for the third time I said that the Internet cafes in the Moluccas (deliberately?) Are totally overheated? Among them will harm the concentration and to make fatal mistakes. But if the power goes out, but I can not of course.

Halmahera. 3 days ago. The Guest House was ready Tobelo a taxi, which I will arrange for about 25 km from the lake Danau Galela drove - with photo stops. And for less than 2 EUR. The picturesque lake is surrounded by villages that approach but rarely to the lake.

input when the lake goes down, you pass a couple of church ruins. They bear witness to the religious conflicts in the years 1999 - 2002, which brought the Moluccas in disrepute. Thousands died.

From the taxi drop me off then I let in Galela, went something along the black beach of the settlement.

I drove back then, but let me by Minibus in Luari settle. Here there should be a beautiful beach. And indeed, a bay with white sandy beach, partially shaded by gnarled Kasuarienbaeumen.

on the beach only 2 children.

One sees crabs and lizards, shells and corals could collect, of course, just not very good copies, here's a village.

On closer inspection, the shell mounds found to be partially alive. Some wandered a shell suddenly go. The children gather they beat on it and the content is in the pan.

night I tried beer, but found none. Then I was - after all, it poured again - in the Internet Cafe - turned out to the stream. As on the previous evening I had then the 1 km long route to the Guest House in the dark lay back. Luckily, mopeds and cars occasionally illuminated the street.


14:30 clock, 31.9 degrees, 70% humidity (Luari)
22:00 clock, 25.0 degrees, 94% humidity (Tobelo).

meantime, I have long since left Halmahera. The taxi raced some 120 km / h back. In the villages of the course do not have many kids on the street goes up and prevent this a few cattle and pigs even 2 I saw the move as well. In Malifut we stopped again. I ate a Chicken soup - which are good here, a little sharp. From Malifut the road was fortunately then worse again, the ride slowly. This time from Sofifi, located in a neighboring bay, we took a speed boat back to Kota Ternate.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How To Solve Electric Box Iphone Level 32

on Halmahera

yesterday. I hired a moped for the morning-DUFA DUFA-Jetty and boarded a speedboat to Jailolo.

> The speedboat from the jetty-DUFA-DUFA <

> Anlandepier in Jailolo <

An hour's drive. Ca. 4 EUR.

The guesthouse Camar I got down, about 18 EUR - quite expensive, but classy looking than Nirvana, but not better.

> Images Jailolo. Pretty small place. One can already feel here at the end of the world. But a swimming pool have them. <

afternoon I hired a moped to get me to about 12 km away Marimbati beach. Unfortunately, the sky darkened rapidly and we were fully in a thunderstorm. When we were there, off we went. It is not enough time for a nice photo.

> On Marimbati Beach. Black volcanic sand, rain obscured the view of the mountains. <

We drove back. On our way we stopped because of heavy rain at the community center in Lolori. Many villages have such traditional Gemeinschaftshaeuser open to all sides, covered with bamboo and are supported by round wooden beams.

> Community Centre in Lolori <

Later I was at the moped riders on the road for a coffee and bought "cake" at home.

evening I ate at a street restaurant 2 small fish with rice and vegetables - but cold canned fish, as is usual, not so nice freshly fried redfish, as has been at the night market in Kota Ternate. Costs for the meal with a glass of tea but then only 2 EUR - and it is also on loose fill. During the meal fell from power in the city. Only late in the evening, the electricity supply working again and with it the aircon in my bedroom. The temperature was previously at 28 degrees - could have been even survive well, but not necessarily want to pay dearly.

This morning I picked up my moped riders by 7 clock at Guest House (as arranged) and we drove to the 15 km from Akediri. From there, the market moves at 8 clock always with a taxi to Tobelo max. 7 passengers going on. That worked perfectly, I also got hold of the passenger seat. The 200 km journey to the North Halma Heras took about four and a half hours. The way we made another Fruehstuecksstopp in Malifut. I opted for 4 knsprig fried small bananas and coffee.

> Church in Malifut, "my" multi-passenger taxi - these are definitely not junk boxes here. <

It rained and poured almost the entire trip. Initially there was "just under" 2-lane road very narrow, overgrown side was strong, led by the mountains and down hill, had many curves and sometimes severe erosion damage. Only from Malifut the road was better so that the driver was able to ride sometimes 80 mph. was relatively little traffic going on - even chickens, goats, cattle, dogs and ducks, we have not run over.

The trip led almost exclusively by secondgrowth and fruit tree forests with a high content of coconut trees. There are only a few villages and market towns it on the line. 8-9 EUR cost me the ride.

The guesthouse "Meraksi Flower" I got down (13-14 EUR). Three middle-aged ladies received me jabbered and Indonesian at me. A little bit of English but they can also. there's coffee and cake reception.

And this entry owes the randomly found by me internet cafe that has aircon and the pouring rain out there that made it absolutely necessary to enter the cafe. Actually, I just wanted to go walking.

More Route Planning: unclear. From Tobelo you can realistically only back to Ternate. There are some boats that go over the great bay and head for the East Halma Heras. The guide books says it would be a generation since the first tourist there. Apart from small villages which are accessible only by boat, is there is nothing. North of the island of Morotai Tobelo is. She played a role in the 2nd World War II, as from here, let bombing General McArthur Manila. On the tiny neighboring island of Zum Zum was his headquarters. There are a few guest houses at the southern tip of Morotai's, but otherwise The mountainous island virtually inaccessible. Even private Nakamura noted in 1973 that the 2nd World War II was over.

If the weather would be good, could you at least the 2 hour speed boat ride to Morotai for 1 - 2 days stay times are considering, but very likely I would rather go back to Ternate.