Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Rogers Online Protection Good

The last long-distance travel?

What a pain! Many weeks I have occasionally considered where I will now make the next holiday - and came to nothing. Once it was so cold in recent weeks, I got myself thought that in any case it should be really nice once again warm. This year I was in the February / March in Morocco - and only in Marrakech, it was nice and warm in the mountains for the cooler. But even this preliminary "warm" the lengthy decision making process fostered a limited extent.

already pretty annoyed, I wanted yesterday to book a flight to Singapore Emirates attributes directly with the airline.

some point you want the personal data is entered. It says: "Make sure that the name you specify, consistent with the information in the passport." Logical. Were made, these messages: "Please enter a valid name" and "Please enter a valid last name.

Well, what you can do about that? Unfortunately, there is a valid and complete spelling of the name. You can also complain in any reasonable form.

I would now try to, 2 First name and omit the "o" replaced in the last name with an "oe". But the 'I do not - then it means I would have built the shit when there are problems.

What a disaster with this website - for use only by insiders!

I decided to commission the next day, a travel agency, and this I went through today in full. At noon I was at the "Explorer" and we booked Emirates flights on the days I had planned.

It was just a little more expensive but it is certainly not the pilot, I wanted the book, because the lower courts were now gone overnight, and it would have cost me 100 € more. I would not.

So I have bitten the bullet, an Emirates plane chosen, which flies in the evening and go on the flight to a second landing (Sri Lanka) makes. Unfortunately, the pilot comes on and then only by 21 clock in Singapore. I may well not so much in the dark to arrive, but after all, Singapore is a "civilized".

In any event it has become so already quite expensive - 800 € including travel insurance. But I'm just running late, the euro is no longer so much value, the fuel costs have risen sharply, 50 € for the new flight control were ironed.

to mid-February is now going to go. 5 weeks.

And to once again get back on the headline, you know never quite sure when the last long-distance travel occurs. You get older, chronic or sudden physical quirks are becoming more frequent or worse, the long flights nerves more and more, the target determination is more difficult because you have seen many places times and the rest are presumed complicated, uncertain or very difficult - or me not interested. Sometimes creeps me the idea to drive no longer on vacation and me to create instead two tomcat. Well - maybe now is an excessive measure.