Sunday, November 16, 2008

How Often Do Pitchers Get Hit

The best start

What follows is the best beginning for me, I have ever read in a book. This is the book itself is far from the best. It is the fourth book in a series and while the first was truly sensational, the successor to did but unfortunately much.
rank Nevertheless, they are still in the upper tiers.

I read this early in the first time in the café in the square Gänsemarktpassage in a pot of coffee. It was in the prehistoric times of latte and the likes. There was coffee Arko (Arco?) And was pretty good. Biscuits included. I read the first lines began and silly grin. Goosebumps! I read them again and wanted to force other people, they to read as well. Wanted to share it with anyone. These formulations! The wit! And anyway ... hach!

Probably everyone has a different first paragraph, in which he wants to go to their knees.

This is mine and I am curious if it first someone knows (resolution is coming soon, if someone expresses interest) and 2 what are your best book beginnings.

Can it be that with increasing age of vanity, hubris and a certain contempt enrich the youth to a fatal mix? The answer may give the following bad history. I even felt safe from this kind of character wear. No wonder I was so far the brightest star in the universe of my perception and the all-illuminating sun in the other. In any case, I imagined this to be a pleasure. But even gods are old, and the hallmarks of aging is a God, that he did not recognize the young god. It all started in such a mundane, even in a world with a stop.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pregnancy Test Line In Light

E-mail to all

So my friends, what follows is not Lesetip, but a read command.

time again you have to laugh? To roar? A book that can not let you? Next Next Next?

"E-mail to all" by Matt Beaumont

I've made the Beetle! Since it is actually on the back and kicks with arms and legs.

who has also worked from time to time in an advertising agency, knows someone who did this or has even seen a commercial on TV, you will love this book.

It is about everyday life in the British advertising agency, Miller Shanks and the entire book consists only of the e-mail that is there back and forth.

One of the highlights is the Finn Pertii "Van Halen", which for obscure reasons, get a copy of each e-mail, which writes the oh-so-important head of customer care.

Believe me, you will love Pertii!

A small selection, while the cover text:

CARLA BROWN - 4/1/2000, 15 clock 05
To: All Departments
Subject: And bye

I am now taking my leave, but before I go, you should know some things ...! !
  • Daniel Westbrooke keep business cards of call girls in his desk drawer.
  • David Crutton takes its coke from Vince Douglas
  • Crutton has also carved in a table-dancing club in one night 3500 pounds on his head and posted it under 'qualitative research costs' on his expense account.

And that's just the beginning!

IMPORTANT: survival never the subject line!

Friday, June 13, 2008

How Many Calories Are In Beef Tips?

reading copy

I'm in the enviable situation that I can get to preview books that are sent to long before the official publication of booksellers and critics.

other day I took one hand and took the first true awareness of what is here printed on the cover:

reading copy

yes what should I do with a good book then? Noodle soup can be nailed to the wall?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Calculate 4 Number Combinations From Six Number


Once again a book I just took the title because in the hand and the blurb but then I won the purchase: Doof Stephan Bonner and Anne Weiss.

While we gave generation Golf Florian Ilies still happy flashbacks and memories of Playmobil, Aktenzeichen XY and the class struggle between Pelikan and Geha did indulge, wait Doof with many uncomfortable truths.

Whether Pisa test saudämliche self-promoter on Youtube, political ignorance, dull Bedröhnung by poor television formats or ex-hop and relationships, the authors take a close look at everything and not from himself.
The dumbing down of society and the disinterest in anything that did not deal directly with their own little microcosm, takes not only to themselves but is routine.

learning is not cool, even at small obstacles will be abolished and direct wish fulfillment for granted. If the partner is not perfect, nice and smoothly compatible, a new one is looking, who cares about the current German Interior Minister and a book that was not filmed, can not even be good.

The whole this is very funny and I laughed a few times, but I often caught myself also here that I caught myself felt of myself to justify or even started my own to make clear the points on which I quite different and thus have not addressed. It is tempting to do the latter here, but I can barely speak.

In part, the authors slip into the platitude, but I am assuming that the generalizations and the thick coating are quite intent.

I can recommend the book, but only people who are honest to yourself and not get mad when they get held up a mirror that shows that's not all what they perceive as beautiful and positive.

I for one am also a part of Generation Doof and contribute to - whether I like it or not. I like the way many

not how to read the reviews on Amazon. It is already seen interesting to see how polarized this book. I would also think of "WhiteStar" and his review of "Measures dogs?" at. Even if you do not like the style, with statements such as "before there was even Dork," "all too general," it offers no solutions "can not disguise it, that one feels touched.
The reviews make it almost as much fun as the book itself

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Financial Accounting Libby Libby Short Help

Alpine Caving News will no longer be updated

'm Sorry I upgrade to current professional reasons, no longer capable of this page.
a news site "lives" but of which, the research presents a timely and reasonably up to date and are not blended as happened often in recent times by months and / or incomplete.

So I draw the necessary consequences, because a "bad side is worse in my view the no side!"

I would like to thank all the diligent note-taking very much, everyone for the many positive responses and I wish you continued success in research.

luck deep

PS: the two last news I have of course posted yet!

How Long Would Cat Allergies

Austria - Dead Mountain - 'in Karen'

very successful start to the year on the High Mountain Tauplitz:
connection between the ozone hole and DÖF sun-wire caves finally realized!
The total length is growing by the merger of over 20 km, the level difference climbs to -1092 m.
From 25 to 28 January 2008 took Michael Behm and Robert SEEBACHER of Speleological Society in Upper Styria (VHO) an overall 71-hour, very successful research trip to the ozone hole (1625/406 ae). aim of the tour was, once again, the search for a connection to DÖF sun-wire caves (1625/379 ae).
After situated on 1995 m above sea level input shaft was exposed by the snow cover increased the two on the first day to the bivouac in 460 m depth. The next day she went
fact, a first discovered in October 2007 to explore promising to continue.
was given it necessary to rise above three small shaft levels (6 m, 9 m and 7 m). Although some passages were free climbing is proved thereby a Hilti hammer drill to be extremely useful. Above the shaft was set by the removal of a labile Versturz the close trapdoor into a new, large cave passage. This is clearly bewettert and continues in two directions. In the north-east of the duct opens but after a few tens of meters from the top again in known parts of the ozone hole.
leads in the opposite direction of the transition move rapidly to a precipice, which could easily be traversed on the left chute wall. By a gear box, it was possible to reach again a promising sequel.
The previously found new section runs parallel between the ozone hole and solar ladder shaft from NE to SW. From here the path leads to a 90 ° angle directly to the North West Passage Head to the sun shaft. Unfortunately, the joy was short-lived, because after a few meters of the transition is sinking in a highly bewetterten Lehmsiphon.
was now once again fashionable trench. He was by a very wet and sticky clay Tropfwassergerinne only with difficulty from the passage leading down to remove. After about 2 hours but finally succeeded in the sediment with their feet to push through as far down that looped through was possible.
What followed can only be described as cavers dream. A beautiful, dry phreatic tunnel with 2-3 m diameter continues, almost straight on the course located on the same level of DÖF sun-wire cave system to. Just as the distance between the two caves of test train test train to reduced the tension rose almost to fever pitch. What obstacles would cave, have so close at hand before the finish?
None! About 200 m behind the Lehmsiphon ends of the tunnel without any major obstacles finally in the known parts of the solar head shaft. Only a 10 m deep down we were separated from already explored parts. Thus, the long suspected connection on 26.01.2008 at 19:35 clock was realized at last.
was the next day visited the more remote continuation of Traglganges. This had descended to a depth of 580 meters and 100 meters behind them again the way up. Means Cordless Hammer was able to overcome where a 10 m high climbing spot. Sorry, out of the course will also soon about another line and could not move up because of material shortages continued. On the way back then still some small side parts were processed.
Overall, it was measured at 346 m on this tour possible new territory, making the sun DÖF-wire caves now have a new measured total length of 20 926 m has .
The horizontal extension increased to 1,620 m, the level difference climbed to -1092 m.
Overall, the extensive cave system has been set to 10 inputs, and 4 on the main level-1550 shaft leading down systems
DÖF The Sun Head cave system is now the third longest and deepest cave of the dead again mountains and the whole of Styria.
BLIEM Herbert and Patrick Hautzinger, who helped on this tour for loading and transport to the surface.
to the study of the ozone hole and the northern parts of the sun shaft head involved the following persons: H. ANDRÉ, M. BEHM, C. Endler, A. Glitzner, P. Hautzinger, K. Jager, P. Jeutter, S. Kogler, U. MEYER, A. Nöstler, A. OERTEL, M. Reichmann and R. SEEBACHER
. ( Robert Seebacher, 1.2008)

Images / Robert Seebacher:
first Congratulations to the realized connection!
second Lehmpolygone the walkway
third in the connecting corridor
4th in Traglbachsystem

Whitish Black Lump In Anus

Austria - Lofer Stone Mountains

brief report on the research camp of the DAV-cavity group Frankfurt / Main - Loferer bay (1323/42) and Crystal Canyon:
2007 was further Exploration of the Loferer bay and crystal canyons in the forefront of the activities of the cave DAV Group Frankfurt / Main.
In research week in October 2007 in the shaft Loferer a total depth of -806.49 m was (+9.82 m -796.67 m) and reaches a total length of 7800.73 m . The Crystal Canyon was up to a total length of 473.23 meters and a depth of -228.14 m depth to be explored and measured. See report and plans to .
In the period September 2006 to September 2007 were in two caves continuous wind and temperature measurements performed. By comparison with the air temperatures of nearby weather stations and taking into account of the winter snow conditions could be detected seasonal wind systems, which confirm the theoretical models. See report for wind measurement in Lofer shaft under .
In 2008, plans to cave DAV Group Frankfurt / Main, the further exploration of the caves in the mountains Loferer. To determine the extent of the wind systems at the bottom of the shaft and in the crystal Loferer Canyon are in the season 2008 / 2009 two more Long-term wind measurements are made. (Jochen Hartig, 1.2008)
first Rise in the snow
second The team
third in Crystal Canyon

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Dried Longan Pregnanr


Since it has actually found someone in this blog because it has included in Google

Fickende COMICS


Well, as long as they do not safe, but multiply like ...

I'd already interested in, what comes out when "Asterix in Britain" with "Lysistrata" by Ralf König fucks.

Cover Letter Beautiians

PS: I love you

Yes, I did it. I followed the pressure of the media and the masses. After was this book by Cecelia Ahern now made into a movie and you are still annoyed with all the advertising in cinemas, I was weak. It was around in the bookstore and I grabbed it.

Hell, what a sentimental tripe! But I must admit
, it is nice and has written me so engrossed that I read yesterday evening to brief Vor 1 clock at night until I had finally made.

And - outing, outing - I grinned in between, giggled and had a couple of times a lump in the throat or breathing stuttering.

scheeen Isse. Isse of heart! Falls under the Heading "nice bathtub reading.

I must say, though, that in comparison with the books by Marian Keyes looks pretty old.

Those who enjoy women's books about holidays and drinking joyous Irish girls with heart, wit, nutty friends and chaotic families and nice happy ending love that would do that especially the books Walsh of the Sisters of the Family:

"Watermelon" "Lucy Sullivan is getting married," "Rachel's Holiday," "time for angels".

It is not only boring love stories and especially in "Rachel's Holiday" Keyes is a very serious topic: drug addiction.
But she is able to allow sympathy for you and still laugh. Has the way autobiographical, the author is himself confessed (dry) alcoholic.

I'm all the way from her books and am looking forward to the next.

But as I said, and "PS I Love You" is quite humorous, reads well and takes away with one in the story.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Husband Loves To Wear A Girdle


By Jack Ketchum ( EVIL )

is highly praised by the Friends of the splatters and horror pretty.

me it has not quite carried away Sun There is no doubt really perverted and it builds the drama is really not bad. It starts at veeery harmless to then increase slowly until it reached the lowest depths of savagery.

Reads fix right away, but nothing stuck with me. He tries to make the action or non-action of the protagonist of course, but that did not succeed with me.
he had to the limited splatter and declined to try to make the book a psychological study of an incapacitated young adults, which would have been any better. As you will know what you have.

the way, the introduction by Stephen King is totally corrosive. The book tells the half with his praise. But of course he did not miss out on his secondhand workers to indicate "The body" may.

Perrier Water Good For Upset Stomach ?

The Princess Bride

By William Goldman (You watch here: Princess Bride )

Well ... it could have been a book lover can be.

If I had read it earlier. At 14 or so. In the time when I could roll over Kishon best family stories, but his fox in the henhouse me a bissi was too high.

"The Princess Bride" is funny. That is beyond question. But Goldman does not think much of subtlety. He kills one of his irony, his sarcasm, his ostensible subtle joke.
I had ever the feeling that he would in every other sentence the gossip cattle call "LAUGH NOW!" . Uphold The

went pretty fast on the bag.

But at 14 I would have loved this book dearly and believed that I was the only one who understands his humor. And then I would probably love it even today. In memorandum.

But ... To quote the great philosopher

Danny Glover: "I'm too old for this shit!"